Be okay with doing the bare minimum. Like a covid lock down, keep the essentials and hold back the rest. Your body is working hard to fight the virus so you need to nuture it and just do the basics.
If you keep feeding your body stress (exercise, energy zapping activities that are activities of daily living) you will take longer to get better. Take a day off work (especially if you have sick leave, its what its there for). Monitor your HRV status if you have access to that stat on your garmin. Then gradually reintroduce other activities. Your back feels better but it's not fixed. Injections are like a bandaid or a cold and flu tablet. It'll mask your symptoms so you feel less shit.
Yeah HRV was getting back to a good place and then I got sick and now it’s plummeting again as I struggle to sleep! Maybe while I can’t exercise I need to do some more breathwork and writing or something.
I hope you’re starting to feel better now Sam - it is not a comfortable place to be. Especially when you need most of your energy on a normal day just to keep the structure that allows you to keep your head above water. I really hope the energy starts coming back and you can build that momentum again.
Thanks Timmy. I feel like a bit of an arsehole whinging about my flu when people like yourself face much more significant challenges! It's inspiring how you maintain such a positive outlook and use your circumstances to try to help others rather than wallow in it.
This x 4 x forever hahaha.
Sorry to hear you’re not getting better. I know EXACTLY what it’s like and it’s lousy as
I actually turned a bit of a corner this arvo. Cautiously optimistic. Maybe I just needed a good whinge!
Be okay with doing the bare minimum. Like a covid lock down, keep the essentials and hold back the rest. Your body is working hard to fight the virus so you need to nuture it and just do the basics.
If you keep feeding your body stress (exercise, energy zapping activities that are activities of daily living) you will take longer to get better. Take a day off work (especially if you have sick leave, its what its there for). Monitor your HRV status if you have access to that stat on your garmin. Then gradually reintroduce other activities. Your back feels better but it's not fixed. Injections are like a bandaid or a cold and flu tablet. It'll mask your symptoms so you feel less shit.
Yeah HRV was getting back to a good place and then I got sick and now it’s plummeting again as I struggle to sleep! Maybe while I can’t exercise I need to do some more breathwork and writing or something.
breath work, writing, reading, watching tv, watching your kid play :)
Hope you're better now Sam.
I just lie on the couch and recover. With the little one, do enough to keep him entertained. But rest really is the best medicine.
Thanks Joshy, hoping to trot this arvo!
I hope you’re starting to feel better now Sam - it is not a comfortable place to be. Especially when you need most of your energy on a normal day just to keep the structure that allows you to keep your head above water. I really hope the energy starts coming back and you can build that momentum again.
Thanks Timmy. I feel like a bit of an arsehole whinging about my flu when people like yourself face much more significant challenges! It's inspiring how you maintain such a positive outlook and use your circumstances to try to help others rather than wallow in it.
Go for a 10 min run instead of your usual hour
Or even a walk. I just wanna lay on the lounge and be miserable but I know that’s only making things worse!
Something is better than nothing. Lower the bar.
I don't know, sometimes lying on the couch being miserable is helpful. It means you're sitting with how shit you feel rather than avoiding it too :)
I’m the same when I’m sick Sam! Hope you all get well really soon! In the meantime, Google Awe Walk 👌🏼
Thanks, Kate! Will do!