Cracking read. I’ll be honest, when I started reading the logical and emotional bit, I thought to myself “ahh I’ve read all this before”... but that white board/discussion example was great and helped me view it from a different angle.

It was strange but empowering when this realisation clicked for me... sometimes I would get stressed about emotional responses or irrational thought patterns I’d have.. but when I viewed it through the lens of being a symptom, rather than the logical side diagnosing something, it allowed me to detach and focus on the basics. As you allude to, it’s always a work in progress but it’s always improving.

Thanks for the dim sim shout out lol, I truly believe if you fill your plate you’re more likely to spill it and less likely to adjust to changing circumstances when needed.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Sam Wilson

Mate, I love how u break down the raw emotions n struggles you encounter. It's really inspiring and really respect and admire how head strong u are brother..

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Sam Wilson

Emotions are data :) :)

This is why I think it's important to include these concepts in the school curriculum, so that we can all understand ourselves and others better. If it's not being taught in the schools, then we are relying on people learning it by choice and unfortunately there are lots of people out there who "don't have time" to learn about these beautiful things. Understanding that emotions are real, and rather than trying to forget about them or push them to the side, embrace them and really allow yourself to feel. Feeling is one of the most incredible aspects about being alive. Language is everything, as opposed to say I am sad, telling ourselves that we are noticing that we feel sad can help us take a positive step back from that emotion and not let it take such a big hold over us. A well written post for anybody to read and understand the concepts without having to delve into a big worded hard to read psychology book :) .

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Taking a lot away from this Sam - your analogues were vivid and clear and helped me make sense of some of my own responses. Thank you for your perspective and sharing your lessons learnt on this journey.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Sam Wilson

I might give it a go mate love the 4 step analogy very true.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Sam Wilson

I wish I was this articulate and had the ability to put my thoughts down like this. True inspiration and a bloody good bloke. I think we all struggle, I know I do. I just don't want to be the bloke I was. And reading things like this helps heaps. Thank you.

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