Gunna do this once a week, because fuck ya’s. It helps me. A lot. Makes me feel good. Gives me accountability. Maybe, hopefully, it helps one person.
It’s now been over two weeks since I posted this.
I’ve now been completely sober over two weeks.
I knew the whole time I was drinking too much and for the wrong reasons. I knew it was bad for me and making things worse, even though it temporarily fixed everything. The thought of giving up the piss and “other” terrified me though.
I think it was because I found comfort in The way it slows my brain down for a time and provides me with comfort temporarily.
It’s crazy how much mental clarity I’ve gained in such a short time off it.
I think that’s part of the fear though. Mental clarity can force you to confront & deal with things you’ve been avoiding.
When you no longer use substances to compress these things down, naturally they’re going to present themselves.
This is a good thing though. It happens for a reason. As animals, I think it’s supposed to happen. We’re supposed to be presented with them, deal with them and be better for it.
Nothing worth having comes easy, I guess.
Anyway, I’m not for a moment suggesting I’ll never drink again. I definitely will. I do have a new found respect for spending periods sober, especially when needing to clear your mind.
I’ve been so much more Productive over this last fortnight and I’m really starting to work through a lot of the shit I’ve had to get done that’s been stressing me out.
For the most part, each day is better than the last ans my trajectory is good.
I’ve also trained every day for the last 14 days Which has been helping me heaps. Training first thing in the morning is so fucking great for my mood and mind set for the rest of the day. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Wake up earlier than you have to go and move your body. It’s the best, ever.
I’m also sleeping Much better. More consistently. I’m getting tired early in the evening. That’s fuckin’ wild for someone like me. I’ve had battles getting to sleep, switching off and getting tired all my life.
Anyway. Thanks to everyone who reached out initially. Thanks to everyone for Putting up with me on this platform and allowing me a platform to selfishly waffle on about myself for a minute.
I had a bad day on Sunday, but 1/14 ain’t bad and I’m heading the right direction.
Looking forwards to stretching the ears of this next 7 days.
Cheers, dickheads.
"I think that’s part of the fear though. Mental clarity can force you to confront & deal with things you’ve been avoiding."
I think a lot of us are afraid to deal with things. I was never a good footy player but the thing I loved about it was how shit scared I was of getting hurt and lacing up the boots anyway. The feeling afterwards was incredible.
I'm pretty grateful to have sharpened that mindset of embracing the fear... it's very useful to hit bad habits on the head before they become too ingrained in our nature.