Geez, that’s a big question! Not sure how to answer, haha.

Yeah, logically I agree. I’m guilty of becoming too emotionally invested in things and obsessing over them. Gotta catch it sooner!

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Feeling this sense of ‘struggling’ too at the moment. Appreciate you sharing this story and your response - just a good reminder of reflecting on the wins. So proud of you Sam, grateful to call you a friend and to have the opportunity to follow your journey.

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Must be something about the time of year I reckon. Getting colder, that new year motivation is wearing off. Everything on the news is dire. I think it might be time to stop and be a bit selfish for a while and look after ourselves for a bit until we are ready to go again.

Thanks for the kind words mate. I feel like what I do pales in comparison to the things you do. Which I think is a good position for us both to be in. If we can inspire an motivate each other, we all win.

Hopefully things slow down a bit and we can all make a bit more time for more catch ups. I get so much out of conversations like the ones we just had!

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Could struggling be a sign of progress?

Totally agree re metrics. Should only be used as a guide, and not stress over.

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