What would it look like for you, if you let go of the shame and took ownership of your actions? Stood up and said yes I did that, I can't take it back, but know that I'm owning my actions and am deeply sorry for them?

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I feel like but by bit, taking ownership is what I’ve been doing for the last 22 and a half months as I chip away untangling the mess in my mind.

For me, it’s not about big acts of kindness or one grand apology. It’s about doing the necessary work on myself to affect real change and growth.

It’s a fine balance between understanding how and why I was able to do things that don’t align with my values, without excusing poor behaviour.

Things have happened that shouldn’t have. I think most of us are in that boat. The best thing I can do is do all I can to not only make sure they don’t happen again, but to make sure I’m not tempted by them again.

More recently in particular, I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress in this space now that I’ve surrounded myself with a community that is built on honesty, vulnerability and humility.

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I think taking ownership helps us accept what we did and learn snd grow from it.

All humans fuck up, it's what we do next that shows how much we care about the mistake but I don't think anyone should have to live with shame for the rest of their lives.

Glad to hear you're in a better space and surrounding yourself with people who help you grow 💪

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Yeah, I’d agree. I think it gets tricky when it’s interwoven into with a lifetime of feeling “less than” or inadequate. It takes a lot of constant work to chip away at it, but I finally feel like I’m getting somewhere, which is nice. It all started with taking a gentler approach. Berating ourselves forever for our mistakes only makes us less able to repair.

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