It's interesting because, I thought I was weird because I wasn't interested in getting shit faced. I've probably only been truly drunk about 10-15 times in my life. The times that I have, were never planned and just a matter of me enjoying myself and going with the flow of the night. I never said anything because I thought I'd be deemed a loser if I questioned why people wanted to get drunk all the time.

I'm lucky and my mum was a full time mother and has been my whole life, since she had my older brother. She earnt some money looking after other people's children in our home. Started with children of her friends and then she'd meet other parents through the preschool. My mum got paid $2 per hour per child until these two kids went to school and then she never saw her heard from the friend again. My youngest brother always disliked the other kids and I think it's because it meant he had to share mum with them.

I think we are seeing a rise in mental health issues in children because they aren't getting enough attention from their parents. Parents are focusing on providing financially for their children rather than meeting their emotional needs.

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"When I was younger, the person who drank the most, stayed up for the most days straight, did the most amount of speed or coke was lauded as a hero. " - lauded by who?

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I agree mother's working more could be partially to blame to for rise in benders. But I can't cop people always blaming the cost of living. People buy too much shit thinking material stuff will make them happy, then whinge when the price of all that shit goes up. Money doesn't buy happiness! But not having any does cause stress.

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Yeah, I agree, but I think people have to learn it for themselves sometimes. I don’t think people were wasting as much money on useless shit back in the early 80’s because there wasn’t as much useless shit to buy. I think over time a second parent joining the work force went from being something you did to get ahead, but as the trend caught on, the economy reacted accordingly and eventually we landed at a place where the average household needed two incomes just to get by. Whatever the case, looking at that chart there was a massive jump in women in the work force between ‘79 and ‘89.

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People will spend money on what's important to them. I have a friend who spend $1000 on a pair of high heels that she barely wears. She was still living at home then. I kid you not, every time we get a big bill, she complains. Like yes, it costs to be alive but here you have this pair of shoes that you spent $1000 on, just sitting in your cuboard.

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$1000 shoes will not make you happy

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It’ll make things worse. Imagine the stress of scuffing them!

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Yupp 😂

When she bought them she said, I cant wear them when it rains or when Ill need to be standing up a lot.

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But these people gotta learn that themselves. Can't force them to see it even if we wanted to

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The rest of the group of friends.

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You’re right, it is weird hey. That when we were younger we thought it was more odd to not drink, than drink. A lot still do. I remember one night when I was maybe 15 pretending to be way drunker than I was because I wanted to fit in.

Wild how people are so happy to show their true colours like that hey. Like not even make an effort to pretend to be her friend once they’ve finished ripping her off for their own benefit.

I think your spot on about your brother and society in general. The fact that the term “mummy’s boy” is used to bag a bloke speaks to how our culture views it. We all need our mummies! Like there’s a reason humans can’t do anything without their mum for the first five years or more of their lives.

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