Is Adhd a condition you have for life? Is it one that can be cured like some cancers? Or even just have all symptoms go into remission?

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It’s a developmental condition.

Prefrontal cortex, right hemisphere in particular, develops slower than others. Anywhere from 0-40% slower.

It effects everyone to a different degree depending on the rest of their brain make up and environmental factors.

There is no cure, some people grow out of it, I assume they’re the ones with a lower % of slowed development. As in they eventually catch up and that’s what they mean by grow out of it, while those at the other end of the scale with a higher % of slowed development never fully catch up and those people will have it for the rest of their lives.

That’s why different people take different amounts of medication.

Like anything, there are lifestyle changes you can implement to reduce the impact of the symptoms and potentially take less medication, like I have, but if you have it as an adult you’ll have it forever.

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Isn’t growing out of it the same as it being cured? I’ve heard of people’s symptoms going away which makes me think it is curable.

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My interpretation of something being cured is when something external is used to fix the problem. So I dunno.

That part of the brain only develops for so long. So once you’re past that, you have what you have.

I’d like to think it’s curable. But now that they’re making big bickies off selling meds why would they bother

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Does it matter if the cure is internal or external? Big bickies being made indeed.

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Nah not in the grand scheme of things.

Apparently we know more about space than the human brain. Because we can't fuck around with it on alive people. Like we can watch it and do scans etc, but we cant pull, push, prod etc and see how it impacts someone who is alive. It's pretty wild, we know so fucking much yet so little at the same time.

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