“we need to keep a minimum amount of time and energy in reserve to help deal with any unexpected shit sandwiches that get thrown our way.” 100%

This is why I try to operate at 80%. It’s sustainable and I’ve got energy to surge if needed

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Was gunna mention the 80% rule then forgot. Went the dim sim route instead. I reckon it’s about three dim sims.

I think the trouble is sometimes the plates getting filled incrementally when we’re not looking and before we know it it’s overflowing. Gotta mindful of the trap.

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Yep. And never apologise when it’s time to nudge some rubbish vego spring rolls off it to make space for the good stuff

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“You’ve helped make an extremely insecure bloke that little bit less secure.” - I hope not!

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Typo. Insecure ** 🤦🏽‍♂️

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Great awareness Sam! :) Ive loved writing too but haven't had the capacity to do it these last few weeks. When people ask me if Im excited for me next chapter I say, I'm looking forward to being less busy.

Ps, can the reserve bank stop increasing interest rates?

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Yeah I think these things are best used as things we use for us and not others. Feeling obligated equals stress and we don’t need more of that.

Oh the bastards.I can’t help but wonder if there’s other things they could be doing to help with inflation but they just can’t be bothered.

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