Hey wankers, It’s already been a week since the last time I waffled on about my feelings. Four whole weeks completely sober. Time flies when you’re trying to effect positive change and not do the temporary fun shit that is ultimately bad for you.
Replying to @bogues2zoners
It’s been another bullshit week at work. Anyone who works in civil, commercial construction knows how fucked this time of year is. Days are getting shorter and colder. Local governments have mismanaged their money and are trying to spend what they already should’ve before EOFY.
Clients ringing flat stick expecting us to get to their job the exact day they are ready for us, even though when we are quiet in July and August they’ll do us no favours when we ask them to find some work for us to do. It’s so fucking stressful trying to satisfy everyone and
Not lose any work to competitors at the same time. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. I’m proud though that through all of it I’ve stuck to my routine. Been up early every morning. Exercising before work, exercising early on weekend days I’m not working and staying off the piss.
There’s still days where I think NOTHING would be better than a beer. There’s still mornings where I have internal conflict and my feeling brain tells me to stay in bed and give the gym a miss for the day. I know this motivation will wain, but while it’s here, I need to try to
Cement these habits deeper so that as that motivation does wain I can then fall back into those habits. This week, my sleep hygiene has improved a lot. I’ve always struggled to switch off. No matter how tired I was, my brain wouldn’t switch off. Now though, I’m not sure if it’s
Ever taken me less time to get to sleep. I’m sleeping deeper and I’m finding it easier to get up. I’m not suggesting it’s impossible for me to get to this point whilst enjoying alcohol occasionally, but that along with doing the same key things at the same time each day are the
Major changes I’ve made and they certainly would be adding to the benefits I’ve experienced. I still have shitty days, or shitty periods of days, where I’m impatient, intolerant, somewhat unapproachable, but for shorter duration’s and less intense. I can calm down more quickly.
I’m also finding that “average of the company you keep” shit to be true. I love my mates, love the pub, etc. It’s not them, it’s who I am when I’m in that environment. By taking myself away from that environment and trying to surround myself with the kind of people I want to be
Like, I’ve found myself wanting to do things that are better for me, without consciously telling myself to. I think this point is understated. Hang around people you want to be like. If they’ll let ya. Don’t stalk ‘em or whatever. That’s bad. I also made an offer on a house at
The coast and it’s been accepted. Just waiting for people in suits to talk to each other about money and that and make sure they agree that what I offered is appropriate for the house. Once that happens I can get my local real estate to start advertising to rent my house.
These two things were stressing me the fuck out and had a lot to do with why I was behaving the way I was. It’s no coincidence that shortly after pulling my head in they seemed to “sort themselves out”. I’m under no illusions that I still have a long way to go. I accept that
I’ll have to work at this stuff for the rest of my life. I know though, that as I make more and more better decisions, all of this stuff gets that little bit easier to manage. Thanks again for giving me the opportunity/platform/whatever to share. It helps me a lot. So thanks.
Let’s fuckin’ stretch this weeks ears, gang.